

Q: What is one of the simplest ways to keep your funeral home’s name in front of prospective families?

A: A Newsletter!

FAC Marketing has revamped our quarterly newsletter, giving it a fresh new look and loading it with valuable content. Our newsletter service puts your name and contact information in the hands of families who then keep it on their coffee table, refrigerator or next to their favorite chair. People still love to receive relevant mail, and the regular repetition of a community-focused newsletter that appears in the mailbox is welcome to many people in your age demographic. Email newsletters are also an option.

Community Outreach Newsletter

A piece of paper with a picture of a watering can on it

This quarterly newsletter focuses on the value of funeral service. Each issue contains important articles about the value of all aspects of funeral service. We consider this marketing tool a soft sell, because you are supplying your families with important information instead of directly trying to sell them a service. They will appreciate your knowledge and begin to see you as an influencer in your industry.

Caring & Sharing is designed to be handed to families at various functions at your funeral home. It’s a very personable and hands-on way to interact with people that come across your threshold. Patrons can leave with a memorial card and your newsletter. You can also distribute Caring & Sharing in your local communities, because it has articles in addition to the value of funeral service that are designed to be relevant and entice people to hold on to your newsletter.

Two flyers are stacked on top of each other on a white background.

Aftercare Programs

When you’re ready to get results from aftercare surveys and grief care newsletters, contact FAC Marketing. Our experience and results with aftercare programs win over funeral homes as well as their communities with opportunities for feedback, healing and preplanning. All you need to do is send us contact information, and we do the rest. We’ve perfected our methods, so the Bridges of Transition Newsletters and Family Follow-up Surveys hit the mail stream at the optimal time for excellent response rates.

Bridges of Transition©

If you want to build stronger relationships with the families who use your services, Bridges of Transition© offers long-term comfort and education following their experience with your funeral home. With this 16-month newsletter program, we do the work for you, freeing you to focus on follow-up conversations and meetings with families.

Here’s how it works: As families transition out of their time of need, give them our Grief Brochure and Survey. These materials provide grief guidance and an opportunity to provide feedback on your services. Then, each month, you provide us with client contact information, which we use to send eight print newsletters over the next 16 months. The topics include:

•     4  Newsletters on grief recovery

•     2 Seasonal newsletters to comfort them at the holidays

•     1 Newsletter containing a soft preneed message

•     1 Newsletter containing a stronger advanced planning message

This program provides you with valuable feedback and long-term aftercare for your families 

that could result in preplanning or future funeral services with your facility.

Family Follow-up Survey

Tired of aftercare surveys that don’t work? FAC Marketing knows how to get responses to Family Follow-up Surveys. This program can provide high-value lead generation at its best. Our research and experience have provided us solid knowledge of the optimal times and methods for delivering survey mailings.

Over the last three years, many of our clients received response rates of 45-50 % on Family Follow-up Surveys. While we can’t promise you’ll receive this level of response, we can say that the median response rate is approximately 50%.

FAC Marketing looks forward to working with you on your aftercare programs. Let’s partner up to develop ongoing marketing programs that work!


Contact us to learn more.

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