
Newspaper & Advertising
An advertisement for a funeral home that says some goodbyes are more significant than others

F.A.C. Marketing offers the individual funeral home a variety of methods with which to advertise their services through newspaper advertising.

Some marketing agencies may offer you "customized service" at an additional charge...but F.A.C. Marketing offers only customized ads for your funeral home. Our competitive prices should look even more appealing when you know there are no hidden costs!

If you don't want to worry about your newspaper advertising for a full year, you'll want to consider our Annual Newspaper Campaign. This program is the best choice for value and service. You get newspaper campaign ads (up to 8) for an entire year. These advertisements are based on messages and themes that you select with, or without, the help of F.A.C. Marketing consultants.


Location tag information and logo inserted into each ad at no additional charge

Design and copy writing for your church bulletin ads

Yellow Pages Ads

Holiday Ads

Press Releases

Exclusive newspaper service to one funeral home in the market area

Ads shipped camera-ready, on CD, or sent electronically at no extra charge

Each ad sized to the newspaper specifications at no extra charge

Additional copy re-sizing done at no additional charge

As you can see, the Annual Newspaper Campaign is an incredible investment for promoting your services. If you think this service might be just what you're looking for, contact us to explore the package that works for you.


Package Ads

Three ads, personalized with your logo and sized to specification. Contact us for package details and pricing.

Individual Ads

If you have a special event coming up and would like to make the announcement special, an individual ad might be for you. Plus, one ad is a great way to sample our service if you're still unsure about newspaper advertising. Your ad is personalized with your logo and sized to specification. Contact us for package details and pricing.

Professionally designed ads are the focus of our newspaper campaigns.

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